Friday, September 15, 2017

Tomorrow we are going next door to clean house for our new neighbors.  They arrived in Cameroon about six weeks ago.  Just a handful of days after their arrival, the wife fell sick with chikungunya, which is a type of dengue fever.  While she was still quite sick, their shipment arrived from Togo, where they had previously ministered.    Without mom to engineer setting up their new home,  things have become quite higgelty-piggelty. Dad and the four children can only do so much.  About a week after the shipment arrived, they had a big robbery.  Someone was inside their house while they slept, going through their unpacked boxes.  The thief stole three laptops (one brand new) and two I-pads and I don't know what all else.  The military police came and conducted a big investigation and it consumed several days of their lives.  In the process mom relapsed.  They have not yet been able to find a good domestique to help them with housework.  So I am taking our team over in the morning and we are going to attack their house from top to bottom.  We don't know if we can get the whole house cleaned in one day, but we are going to try.  Our cook is going to take charge of their large kitchen, make a meal for them, and leave the place spic and span.  Our assistant will go upstairs, strip all the beds, put on clean sheets, clean all the bathrooms, and sweep and mop the entire upstairs.  I will start doing laundry as soon as the beds are stripped.  Our domestique will attack their dining room and living room, dusting, sweeping, and moping everywhere.  We have had a young lady (university student) working with us during her summer break.  She will be washing as many downstairs windows as she can.  And I will try to organize as much of their unpacked boxes chaos as I possible can in the time allotted.   Jim will stay back at Shiloh (we cannot leave our place unprotected).  He's working on a big project with our vines.  He is training them to grow up and around all our arches.  It will be quite breathtaking when he is done. 

We have several guests in Shiloh at this time.  One couple who comes regularly is quite musical.  They always bless us with their singing. (You can probably hear them singing in the background.)

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