Sunday, September 24, 2017

Imagine that!  We've just discovered that someone living a mere ten minute walk away from Shiloh is renting out their two little furnished apartments to anyone in the mission community on a daily basis.  In other words, if you have to be in Yaounde three or four days for dental work, let's say, you can stay there on a space available basis.  Or your car broke down and you have to delay your return to the NW Region, but where you were staying while in town cannot let you extend your stay, due to prior reservations from someone else.  

Or let's just say that you are a little old grandmother missionary lady who runs a spiritual retreat center along with your husband.  And let's just say that this little old grandmother desperately needs some down time of her own.  Finally, at long last, after over eleven years of serving others, there is an affordable place where the little old grandmother missionary lady can go.  She just needs to pack the essentials:  a Bible, a couple of changes of clothing, a toothbrush, a laptop so she can keep blogging, a favorite book to read, her own pillow cuz you cannot trust a furnished apartment to have a good one, and some food.  That's all.  She can leave the phone at the spiritual retreat center.  And she can hide away for two (or dare we dream of three or four) days.  She can sleep in.  No alarm going off early in order to let the guard out.  She can go to bed early.  Zero demands on her time.  She can take one, two, three naps during the day.  Who's counting?  And she can imitate so many others who come to the spiritual retreat center.  Arrive exhausted from heavy ministry demands, and leave renewed, refreshed, restored, and ready to plunge headlong back into ministry.

Imagine that!  It almost defies imagination.

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