Sunday, August 6, 2017

Two whole days ago our children celebrated ten years of wedded bliss.  And we let the day slip by unnoticed.  So to make up for it, we sent them this email.  (Just count your blessing that you don't have us for parents!)

Dearest Timothy A. and Carmen,
We bow before you on bended knee and beg your forgiveness for overlooking your anniversary.  It's not just any anniversary of course, but your 10th.  Double digits.  How the years fly by.
We are forever and always humbly grateful to the lovely Carmen for removing the stigma of an unmarried son from our family.  And to have put up with him for all these years.  Truly, you deserve a purple heart. 
Thank you for being our favorite middle and our favorite middle's wife.  Thank you for walking in truth before our Lord.  Thank you for letting your light shine all the way to Cameroon and to the moon and beyond.  Thank you for being an example to us and to so many others.  Thank you for giving us two precious children who bring smiles to our faces.  Thank you for continuing to graciously tolerate us.  (I see another purple heart coming your way.)
I just looked up "purple heart".  This is a complete misuse of the term.  But surely you get my meaning.
Keep loving each other.  Keep racing to be the first to ask forgiveness.  Keep modeling godliness to your world.  And don't stop tolerating us.  We will try to keep out of your way out here in Darkest Africa for as long as we can.
We love you first, we love you most, we love you always,
The Elderly Tuckers

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