Monday, January 25, 2016

DVD movies.  We have a rather extensive collection.  They're kind of a necessity out here.  There isn't much to do in the way of relaxation and entertainment.  So we watch movies.  Over and over again.  In fact we have all our favorite ones memorized.  Well, practically memorized.  Did you know that you have to watch the same movie approximately five or six times before you start to notice all the mistakes?  First you realize that the watch he was wearing when they panned away from him was missing when they panned back.  Then you discover that a bouquet of flowers dispensary from the table.  Or maybe she leaves her purse in the taxi, but it's not part of the story line so nobody notices.  The possibilities are endless.  And there are misspoken lines or dropped phrases.  It's actually rather startling the number of mistakes you can catch.  Eventually we find ourselves focusing on room decor and wall colors, or landscaping ideas and hair styles.  What's new in America we wonder.  And all those extras they put on DVD's these days become high entertainment.  Even the director's boring comments can be listened to a couple times.  I mean, why not?  We don't have anything else to do.

We have a 2,000 volume library, but often bemoan the fact there is NOTHING to read.  Same problem.  We've read all our favorite books over and over again.  Jim even reads books from the history and archaeology sections.  I've read all the books on death and dying.  Twice.  We've noted the typos.  And we have all our favorites  memorized.  

And then one day we stumbled onto the wonderful world of YouTube movies.  Wow!  Life does not get any better than this! The options are practically infinite.   And we don't have to watch anything over again any more.  Long live YouTube!!  Of course we'll never know all the mistakes.  You have to take the good with the bad.

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