Sunday, June 5, 2016

I hadn't seen her in 13 years.  Back when we lived in the village, she was the one in the family that my heart went out to.  As a young teenager she had been taken out of school and turned into little more than the family slave.  She cooked all the meals, did all the laundry, cleaned house, washed all the dishes, and did whatever else she was made to do.  She had no time for fun.  It was a life of absolute drudgery.  On those rare times when only she and I were left in the compound, she would come into our room, sit on our bed, and pour out her heart to me.  Many a time I put my arms around her and held her as she cried.  I would pray for her with tears running down my cheeks.  Always I tried to point her to God, Who was her only hope.  

What a surprise to see her again after all these years.  Shortly after arriving at our village house on Friday, she showed up.  I got the biggest bear hug of all times!  And she kept clinging to me for a long time.  A quiet girl who is not given to much talking, she began telling me what had happened to her these last thirteen years.  First she had a son by an unnamed person who did not stick around to care for the child.  The following year a young man laid eyes on her and took her for his common law wife.  They have been together for four years now and have had two children.  A handful of weeks ago she brought her three children back to her father's house to wait for her "husband" to come and pay the bride price, and then marry her officially.  She just beams when she talks about a man wanting to marry her.  Imagine that!  She who was so despised and unloved in her father's home is finally going to be married!  She said she would invite me to her wedding.  

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