Sunday, December 25, 2016

We've been friends for a lot of years.  Another missionary introduced her to me.  She was a single mom, struggling to make ends meet.  Had a heart for children.  Started a non-profit called Kids Ko-Op.  Taught the children from her village how to make things.  The girls learned to sew.  The boys learned basket weaving and carpentry.  But most importantly, she taught them about the Lord Jesus Christ.  Taught them Bible stories.  Helped them memorize verses.  When they memorized enough scripture, they earned a Bible.  

We teamed up.  Began selling some of the things the children made.  Went to bazaars and other sales.  Found all kinds of creative ways to market their products.  Sometimes we traveled to her village.  It's a long, long ways from Yaounde, but we loved to go there and help out.  We talked with the children, told them Bible stories, too.  Jim repaired all her sewing machines for her.  

And then one day she phoned to announce that she was getting married.  An older widower had asked her to be his wife.  She was overwhelmed at God's great blessing to her.  She had never been married before.  Back before she knew the Lord as her Savior, a traveling salesman convinced her to set up housekeeping with him.  He'd come through the village on sales trip several times a year.  Told her that he was going to marry her just as soon as he could.  So it was OK for them to live together in the meantime.  Shortly after their second baby arrived, she discovered that he had "wives" all over the place.  Their relationship dissolved and she was left to struggle on alone.  When she heard the gospel, she gave her heart to the Lord and began living for Him.  And now she was getting married.

Jim sent me on up into the mountains for the wedding.  I had the honor of attending the paying of the bride price ceremony.  The following day I was there when they went before the mayor for the civil ceremony.  And I was there for the church blessing.  What a delight it was for this dear girl to be marrying a kindly, godly older man.  He owned his own home and had a good retirement income.  They had three delightful years together before his health began declining.

These last years have been difficult for her.  She went from rejoicing in the companionship of a dear man, to becoming his caregiver.  He has gone through one crisis after the other.  Many times he has been near death.  She faithfully and lovingly nurses him back to health and strength.  She has been such an example of godliness for his adult children and for all the rest of us.  But it hasn't been the marriage of her dreams.  

Several medical crisis back she made me promise that I will come and be with her whenever he should die.  None of us know when that will be, but I stand ready to help out my good friend.

The last couple of years I have been phoning her ever 2-3 months, just to see how things are going.  Just to let her know that she is not forgotten.  Just to remind her that I'm still praying for her.  

Today, being Christmas, was a good day to phone her.  She was so overwhelmed that I was still remembering her, still praying for her.  "Oh Ma," she exclaimed, "that's why we are still alive!"  

Wish we lived next door instead of nine long and difficult hours apart. Someday, someday soon, we'll spend all eternity together around the Throne of Grace.

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