Thursday, February 18, 2016

They have been at it again.  The neighbors are encroaching on her property once again.  Thankfully there is a good neighbor who keeps her informed.  Doris and her brothers inheritance is under constant attack.  When their mother died in a car accident in France the family moved in.  It's a story as old as the Bible.  Widows and orphans always have been vulnerable to uncles and other family members, trying to take advantage of them.

First the family decided that Doris should be the representative for the mother's estate.  So her aunt helped her get a passport. The thinking was she would have to go to France to settle the affairs.  When it came time to pick up the passport, the aunt graciously offered to help her out.  Unfortunately her intentions were not honorable.  She stole the passport, hoping to use it for her own daughter.  When we came into the picture a few months later, we helped Doris get a new passport.  The stolen one was put on a list.  If it is used either in Cameroon or in France, the user will go directly to jail.  

One day a lady whom they call "Aunt", but is really a friend of their mothers, arrived at the bank posing as her sister.  She had false papers "proving" she was the inheritor.  The bank ushered her into the president's office.  He was in the process of completing paperwork to give her the mother's funds when an employee came into his office.  She announced there was another "Aunt" with another set of papers "proving" she was the inheritor.  The president invited her into his office.  When the two women saw each other a screaming match broke out.  Each insisted she was the true inheritor and the other was an impostor. The upshot of it was that the president had them thrown out of the bank and each barred from ever returning!

At this point it became imperative that Doris establish her legal right to the estate.  It would be a simple process of her coming before a judge with all the major players in the family and everyone declaring she was the one.  However with each person trying to get their hands on the funds, this was not an option.  They had to take the longer and more complicated route of Doris and her brothers declaring that she was the one they had chosen to be their representative.  During this time one of her three brothers died.  This further slowed the process down.  None of the family realizes that Doris has now been declared the legal head of the family and the only one with the right to touch the funds.   She has had to hire a lawyer to take care of paperwork on this side and the French side as well.

Since the mother's car was struck from behind by a bus, there is a large settlement from the insurance company.  The family understands this and that is what they are after.

They have tried one means after another to convince she and her brothers that they must take possession of the house.  They do not realize that the wheels are in motion to claim all the funds in France.  They think these children have no means to finish the house, so they are coming up with one scheme after another.  Their intention is to make the house livable and then sell it.  Of course the funds would mostly go to whichever family member manages to convince these orphans to follow their particular scheme.  Dorris has been in meeting after meeting over this.  She stands strong and her brothers remain united with her.

Nobody realizes that one day the money will be released to Doris and she and her brothers will then finish off the house.  It is in a good location, though too far out of Yaounde to be practical for them.  However the Catholics have built a school right across the street from the house.  It will be operational in another year.  This will be an ideal location to be used as a rental house for school teachers.

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