Friday, October 19, 2018

The Epler Butt.  Probably not in your dictionary.  Unless you are related to Edmund and Lela Mitchell.  And truly, I never discovered if it came down the Mitchel side or Lela's ancestry.  Lela Mae Hoyt was her name by the time she died at a ripe old age.  She had five or six husbands.  Used to say she only married them to bury them.  Course that wasn't true of Mr. Sullivan, hubby number two.  They had one son and then she couldn't take the drinking anymore so she divorced him.  This was way back in the Dark Ages when NOBODY got divorced (though we all know someone in our heritage who DID divorce).

But I digress.  We were talking about the Epler Butt.  As in hind end.  Lela Mae's three girls, Allie, Vera, and Mame used to laugh their fool heads off about their Epler Butts!  They were grown women when I witnessed this behavior...Grandmothers even.  Fast forward thirty years.  We were visiting my cousin Judy and family in Michigan.  She's the family historian.  One evening during our visit she asked me if I had ever heard of anyone called Epler.  Grandma (Allie) lived with us so I  grew up absorbing family history.  I laughed and told Judy that she was famous for her butt.  I told her how Grandma and the old aunts used to laugh about their Epler Butts.  She was amazed.  She had never heard of anyone of that name and neither had her father, but her research had turned up an Epler in the family line.  I told her that the only thing I knew about this poor lady was that she had a big butt and she passed it on to all of us.  So we laughed about our Epler Butts.

Fast forward many more years and we ended up out here in Cameroon.  Before long we discovered that a girl with a large behind is very marriageable.  Somehow the culture has determined that if you are broad in the beam, you will be able to carry children without problems.  And now Dorothy, our dear young widow friend from Bamenda who is living with us, arrives on the scene.  And let me tell you, she has a true Epler Butt!  It would make the Epler family proud.  The theory must work cuz she has two children.  And she did get married.  Who knew the Epler Butt would be an assert?!

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