Sunday, October 30, 2016

Last week I stumbled onto it by accident.  I was only in that taxi because our favorite and next-to-the-favorite taxis were otherwise occupied.  And therefore I had to settle for choice number three.  We got to know that particular driver through his Uncle a few years back.  And so it was only natural that I should get around to asking him how his Uncle is doing.  I knew they were struggling, but hadn't realized just how bad things were.  I learned that the car they bought last year was bought on credit.  In fact the nephew-taxi-driver was the one who arranged the loan through a rich friend of his.  At first the Uncle was making regular monthly payments.  And then the difficulties came, and came, and kept right on coming.  Until they were reduced to hand-to-mouth living.  The Uncle, his wife, three girls, and now the new baby boy.  It's been a struggle each day.  Finally the Uncle had to park the car.  He could no longer afford to pay the insurance, buy gas, etc.  And the difficulties continued.  The rich man who loaned the money is complaining.  It's past time for at least a good-faith payment.  Preferably the balance due.  It's negatively impacting the taxi driver's relationship with the rich man.  He surely will think twice when our friend needs to barrow money again for his own needs.  But the Uncle cannot do a thing to climb out of this deep hole.

This story tugged at our hearts.  The Uncle just happens to be a pastor.  He pastors a small village church up above Bamenda, in the  Northwest Region.  He is also a dear friend of ours.  We've known each other for a long time.  And it hurts to see our brother in the Lord in such a bad situation.  But what could we do?  Our money had run out for the month.  Well, we could pray, and the God of the Impossible could do what Only He can do.  And then our support for the month of November arrived.  WOW!  By the Grace of God alone, we found we had enough to be able to help.  We're paying the debt in full, rejoicing every step of the way.  We are also sending an additional gift to our pastor friend so he can get his car back in service, plus buy some food for the family.  God is so good.  He alone knows why He allows His children to go through dark and difficult times.  But what a blessing to be able to Help a brother in need.

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