Thursday, September 29, 2016

It happened shortly after they were married.  In fact they had returned from their honeymoon, settled into his apartment, and began living happily after when it happened.  The following day the police knocked at their door.  They had come to arrest the brand new husband.  The young wife desolved into hysterical tears as he was being led off to jail.  How could this be happening to her?  She had finally married her prince charming and now he was being ripped away from her.  She had visions of spending years apart while he waited sentencing.  The justice system leaves much to be desired.  

Meanwhile he landed in the local jail under trumped up charges.  He was confused and bewildered, and terribly saddened to have to leave his precious wife in a state of hysterics.  But he clung to God.  He knew he was innocent and he knew God was  in control of all things.  

In his neighborhood there was a ring of thieves whom the  police had been trying to catch for a long time.  That very night, the night of his arrest, the police finally rounded up the thieves and threw them in jail, too.  The new husband knew some of these young men.  And suddenly he opened his eyes and saw what God was doing.  Here they were in jail together, at least for this night.  He had a captive audiance.  He would share the Gospel with the thieves.  At first they shouted, mocked, and laughed at him.  Who did he think he was, talking to them about God.  He's a common thief just like them.  What does he have to say that they would want to listen to.  But our friend boldly corrected them.  He reminded them that he was innocent.  If he was guilty of the charges, he would not be able to open his mouth.  But it was because he was innocent that he had the right to tell them about his Lord and Master.  The thieves calmed down and let him talk.  He spent the whole night witnessing to them.  And all he could think of was "WOW God!  You do all things well."  In the past he had tried witnessing to some of these young men.  They had scoffed at him and wouldn't listen to him.  But here they were, in jail together, letting him talk.  And they were finally listening to him!  He had much to thank God for.

The following day, proof was brought before the police of his innocence, and he was released.  But he's still praising God for the wonderful night he spent in jail, witnessing to a gang of thieves.

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