Wednesday, May 4, 2016

If we had had electricity on the evening of May 3rd, this is the blog I would have written:

Six children, ranging from eight years down to two years, spent the day at Shiloh.  What fun we had playing Grandparents with these precious children!

I showed the 8 year old girl and her five year old sister my office.  They discovered blue and red stamp pads, and a whole array of stamps, from a date stamp to the official Shiloh Association stamp.  When they discovered my stack of scrap paper, the stamping began in earnest.  My desk drawers contained such treasures as paper clips, a stapler, two sizes of post-its,  felt tip markers, and a whole punch.  These goodies provided my new secretaries with hours of fun.  Of course my supplies dwindled down, but it was worth it.

Meanwhile Jim took the boys upstairs to the library and began making paper airplanes.  Then he moved on to his entire repertoire of paper craft items.  The boys discovered that paper airplanes can be flown off the front balcony.

The six year old boy found two books about medieval castles and armor in our children's library.  They occupied his attention for a long time. 

One of the girls discovered our dolls, and promptly arranged them in an attractive pile on one of our sofas.  She found a dolly baby bottle, and being the good mommy-in-training that she is, carefully fed each of her new babies.

After lunch everyone went back up to the library to watch children's DVDs with "Grandpa".  

They discovered all of Shiloh's balconies and porches.  They found out that you can run in a big circle from the front hallway, through the sheer curtains, into the dining room, down two steps to the back hallway, turning right when it dead-ends at the front hall, and racing back to the sheer curtains.  What fun!

Playing grandparents for a day was a rare treat.


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