Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mango season. It's an annual event. Begins in April, ends in July. Have you ever seen a mango tree? They are enormous. Provides marvelous shade with their spreading branches. Great climbing trees. Nobody goes hungry during mango season. When all else fails, just climb a nearby mango tree and eat to your hearts content. The fruit is big. Peel back the solid green skin to discover the wonderful deep yellow fruit. It's bright, colorful, smells delicious, juicy, sticky, and oh so yummy. Mangoes have a large seed buried inside all that juicy fruit. Cameroonians have a way of slicing a whole mango (keeping the skin on) down both sides of the pit, cutting vertical and horizontal lines in each of the two pieces, just down to the skin, and popping the pieces inside out. Now you have an exotic presentation, fit for a king. It is super easy to eat all of the sand up cubes of mango right off the skin.

This is our 25th mango season. We've made mango pie (very similar to peach pie); mango bread, mango cake, fruit salad with lots of mangoes mixed with other tropical fruit, and we've even tried various mango drinks. But this year we have plans to make mango jelly (or will it be mango jam?)

During mango season piles of mangoes are for sell quite cheaply in every market in Yaoundé. But the price drops even lower once we leave the city. All along the highway, people put out buckets or trays full of mangoes. They try to sell their mangoes to all the cars whizzing by. Of course the absolute cheapest way to get mangoes is to pick your own. Our village house is blessed with numerous mango trees all around the house. The fruit is free for the taking.

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