Saturday, March 12, 2016

The rains are starting to come back.  We've had several sprinkles.  Even a couple of light rains that didn't last.  And finally (finally, finally) we have had two (count them two) big rains.  I am personally thrilled, ecstatic, overjoyed, and delighted.  But my patience is wearing thin as I wait for that third big rain to come blowing in.  Day by day I long for that storm that will mark the official end of Harmatan, the only bad time of the year out here in Cameroon.  It's not the endless days without rain that I mind.  It's the dust that covers my whole world.  I am sick to death of grit and grime everywhere I look.  Soon, very soon I will be able to declare Harmatan over for another year, and then comes one of my favorite times of the year.  It's the big annual deep cleaning.  All five of us will tear the entire house apart, cleaning every nook and cranny.  And when we are done the house will be it's normal pristine self once again, and I will go back to living happily ever after.  I can hardly wait. 

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