She's quite a gal, this Dorothy of ours. She didn't get much education, though she is very smart. One of her brothers has a doctorate. She is smart enough to have earned one, too, given half a chance. But she is the one the mother took out of school to help her at home. So her formal learning stopped. But she is learning every day. Soaking things up like a sponge. She's a type A personality. Always seeing things to do. Always jumping in and doing things. You just have to show her something once. And if she needs to be corrected, she catches on immediately. She's quick to please. Works until she drops. Does not know when to quit. Truly, she is the most like me of anybody I know on either side of the Big Pond. At her husband's funeral many people talked about her and how well she took care of him during his five years of illness. She treated him like a king and never once complained. She has laid up much treasure in Heaven. And she is Heaven bound. She loves the Lord with all her heart and serves Him fully. She's a real treasure. We did nothing to deserve her. We were not looking for her or for anybody for that matter. God just dropped her in our laps and we don't know how we ever made it without her.
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