He's a refugee from another African country. He and his family started coming to our church. Got involved in the men's group. Very serious about his walk with the Lord. They struggle. Finding it tough to land a job. Even temporary jobs are hard to come by. He's a real hard worker. But claims people don't hire refugees. It's not easy. But he has his wife, their child, and God. Together they cling to the God of the Impossible.
Recently his landlord approached him about the back rent. Said it had to get paid in full. Gave a deadline. Pay up or move out. Was going to find other renters who would pay their bill. Couldn't keep going like this. Enough is enough.
This was his number one prayer request. Cried out to God all the time. Asked the men's group at church to pray with him. Went to the pastor for special prayer. And Heaven was silent. The days slipped by. Nothing. No work. No part-time work. No pennies from Heaven. Nothing. That last night he didn't go to bed. When his little family turned in for the night, he quietly began packing their few belongings. The landlord said he would be there bright and early in the morning. He would either pay in full, or out they would go. The tears were streaming down his face as he talked with the Great I Am. Told his Heavenly Father he was willing to live out on the street if that was what God had for him. Only asked that God would protect he and his family.
As the new day dawned, he received a phone call. Someone was coming to give him something. Could he meet them out at the road? So he went out, not knowing what to expect. To his utter and complete amazement, he was handed all that he needed to pay his back rent in full!! What an Awesome, Faithful Almighty God he serves!
And then, just because God is God, and He does what no man could do, that same afternoon someone came to his house with bags full of food. The joy of the Lord is flowing all over the place at their house! God is alive. He is real. He really does hear and answer prayer. In His way. In His time. For His honor and glory.
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