Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Francis had the day off.  His daughter, Grace had her school Christmas program today.  All good dads and moms were there.

Doris was off all morning.  She was in the hospital having the first of three malaria treatments.  Came to work at noon and was a big help.  She's weak, but was able to peel potatoes and carrots and sweet potatoes.  Then she went home to rest.

Guy didn't come to Shiloh until the early afternoon.  Spent all morning long, and then some, standing in a forever line, waiting to pay our electric bill for this month.  Thank God for Guy!  If he wasn't there, it might fall on ME to pay our utility bills.  He showed up in time to clean two bedrooms.  One was urgent as the next guest was soon to arrive.  Shiloh is all but full tonight.  Only one empty room

Papa Jim was up to his eyeballs and beyond in last minute Christmas present preparations.  In fact he's still at it.  But by all indications, everything will be in readiness before the party tomorrow afternoon.

So that left me to do all the preparations for our annual Christmas party.  And somehow, it all got done.  The gravy is made.  Just needs to be heated at the last minute.  The dressing is ready to pop in the oven a half hour before we eat.  The homemade spiced tomato juice is chilling in the fridge.  Along with all the soft drinks.  And the yummy dessert.  The birthday cake for the baby Jesus is made.  Just needs to be frosted in the morning.  The two turkeys are ready to be stuffed in the morning and then go into the ovens.

But tomorrow everyone will be on deck at 8 a.m., and many hands will make light work.  Guy is ironing table cloths. Mama Alice will set the tables in all their Christmas finery.  That's her specialty.  The potatoes will be cooked and then mashed.  That's a job for Francis.  The buttered carrots will be cooked at the last.  Oh yes, and Mama Alice has to make this wonderful sweet potato casserole.  

Don't you just love Christmas?  It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun, too.  And the memories last a lifetime.

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