Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It just took one  shot.  Only one.  And his life was over.  To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  For the believer.  Which he was.  Husband.  Father of eight.  Son. Son-in-law.  Brother.  Friend.  Fellow church member.  And now missionary.  But it is all over.  His mission was short.  Eleven days.  And then glory.  Not what he planned.  Not what his wife planned.  Nor the children.  Not what the church thought of as they sent him off to Africa. He was to live out his days as a missionary.  Well, he did.  But not according to the plan.  But it was God's plan and God does all things well.  Even when a bullet penetrates the body of a missionary and snuffs his life out.  They were traveling into Bamenda to buy groceries.  He, the missionary who was driving them, his wife, and their second son.  Suddenly as they arrived at Four Corners, gunfire started up.  And one of the multiple bullets that  pierced the car (Swiss cheese comes to mind) penetrated his body and it was all over.  

Since the missionary was able to identify the assailants, his life is in danger.  The U.S. Embassy warned them to get out quickly.  Don't spend the night. Said he would go to Bamenda for the night and then on down to Yaounde in the morning.  NO! said the Embassy.  Bamenda is too close.  They will find you.  Their plans have changed.  They are coming on down to Yaounde immediately and will stay with us.  Soon they will go with the new widow and her children back to the U.S.  They plan on staying for three month, letting things calm down.  Hopefully they can come back at that time.  Two men are coming from America to help the grieving family get back home.  Life can change so fast in a moment of time.

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