I've been away for a handful of days. It's a secret. Can't tell you where I've been. Like Master Chief Tim always says "I could tell you [and usually there's a 'Dad' tucked in here] but then I would have to shoot you."
Got back to Shiloh yesterday afternoon. Shortly thereafter Jim received a phone call from a fellow missionary. Felt compelled to explain to me after that call that he was giving his air compressor to said missionary. GIVING HIS AIR COMPRESSOR AWAY???!!!! My favorite hubby would sooner give his wife away than any of his precious tools!
"OK, who are you, and what have you done with my husband?" was my first thought. Followed immediately on the heels of that was an audible question, "Are you planning on dying tonight?"
Now that's a weird thing to say! Or maybe not so weird if you know the context. It has happened not once, but twice over these last 48 years of marital bliss that friends of ours have gotten their affairs in order, and then died.
In once case (back when we were newly weds) the man was a notorious (albeit well loved) slob at work. His desk always looked like a bomb had just exploded. Then one Friday, quite out of the blue, he industriously spent the day clearing work off his desk, straightening things up, completing long over-due tasks, and in general shocking all his co-workers. Then he went home, had a relaxing evening with his wife of many years, went to bed, and slipped quietly into Glory.
Fast forward a good number of years to the second case. This was a dear retired couple. They spent that Friday returning things they had borrowed from various and sundry people (including my sewing machine) and in general, tied up a lot of loose ends. After work they drove into town to do their weekly grocery shopping. On their way back home, they were hit head on and ushered into the presence of our Lord.
Because Jim's wife has a twisted sense of humor, we have joked many times in recent years that if he were to ever get his workshop in order (he's a slob of the highest order) then I would know he was planning on dying. And indeed, he's not ALLOWED to die and leave me with all this mess to deal with!
So now I'm worried. He's given a tool away. What next? Well, as long as he doesn't give ME away, I guess we're OK.
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