It started a few years ago. The lights went out at night and in the morning we discovered that the power line coming to our house had been cut and stolen. But not to worry, the neighbor was busily installing a pole and hooking up a line. Before the day was out we were back in business. And ever since we have had random power outages that stem from that pole and the connections made that day. The neighbor always graciously fixes things and we hum along just fine.
Fast forward a few years to Friday night. The electricity here at Shiloh started going crazy. On off, on off, blink, blink, blink. We rushed around and turned off and unplugged everything in sight. In the morning the guard reported that it was the neighbors. They didn't want to call the electric company. Some of the grandsons were busy trying to fix things. When our day team arrived at work we sent them investigating and discovered that the pole needed replacing. It was time to call the landlord. When he arrived he was instantly upset. Turns out that the whole stolen line a few years back was staged by the neighbors so they could link into the electricity from the pole where we got ours. All this time they have been using free electricity for their row of studio apartments. Each apartment has a meter and the renters pay the neighbor for their electricity usage. That money goes directly into his pocket. It's been quite the set-up. But it all ends tomorrow when our landlord shows up with an employee from the electric company. He has contacts in high places. We will get our electricity back but the studio apartments will be in the dark until such a time as the neighbor chooses to do things legally. Meanwhile Jim is running our generator to keep the refrigerator and large upright freezer going. We're plugging in phones and computers too. Life is seldom dull.
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