Life. It's exciting. Never dull. Seldom the same twice. Filled with variety. Couldn't be boring. And it flies past at the speed of light. Yesterday you were 13 with all the confusing possibilities before you. And now today you are 70 and wonder where it all went. Wouldn't change a moment. But wouldn't want to re-live even a moment. Glad to be here. At this juncture. Wife. Mom. Grandma. Friend. Missionary. Don't know how tomorrow will unfold. But eager to find out. And at the end of it all, when the last day has been lived, the last breath inhaled, and you walk through that door labeled death, that's when real life begins.
Life. The fullness of life. Can hardly wait. It lasts for eternity. Unending joy. Unending wonder and awe. Never dull. No possibility of being bored. And the King in all His splendor and glory will be there. To be with Him. To be like Him. To worship and adore Him. For ever and ever and ever. Looking forward to that life. Can hardly wait.
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