It was one of those ho-hum days. The kind of day that holds the wild, exciting ones together. Spent the day working on our annual report for the government. Actually finished the English side of the report. All fifteen pages, complete with pictures. The French side has been translated. Just have to do the data entry. Another ho-hum type event. Then have the final proof reading and print it out. Off we'll go to town to have our booklet bound. Then comes the fun part. Trying to find our boss in the government in her office so we can turn the report in. Our copy has to be stamped and signed to prove we really did turn it in. We have no idea what hours our boss keeps. Mostly she is never there. It will take two or three tries before we find anyone in the office. When the boss is away, why should the underlings have to work? And then we will be scolded for taking so long to turn our report in! It's all part of life out here. You have to take the good along with the bad.
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