Sunday, July 24, 2016

Her question took me off guard.  Normally I would have laughed and turned it off as a joke.  I'm adept at handling these situation.  And yet it arrested my attention. 

The problem is that, unbeknown to her, I have been praying for months the she would join our church choir.  They've been coming to our church for awhile now.  Her husband jumped in feet first and got involved in everything:  the men's group, mid-week prayer and Bible study, Friday night prayer meeting.  He's even joined an intimate group who gather weekly in the pastor's study to pray with him.  But the wife has steadfastly remained a Sunday-morning-church-service-only kind of person.  

Early on, the choir director learned she had sung in the choir in their former church, and pounced on her.  Our choir is small, struggling, and needs all the help it can get.  She would be a perfect addition.  But no amount of coaxing, cajoling, begging, or hinting has worked.  Until today.  

After the service, I happened out of the church building just in time to bump into the choir director, making one more desperate attempt to chide her into joining forces with the choir.  She laughingly retorted, "If Mama Alice will join the choir with me, then I will sing in the choir."  It was supposed to be a joke.  A quick witted way to get out of a tight spot.  Mama Alice would of course laugh it off and she would have successfully escaped this latest trap.  And yet, it arrested my attention.

Mama Alice didn't laugh it off.  Mama Alice began asking serious question.  Both audible and inaudible. 

"God, is this from you?"  

"Are you serious?  Would you really join the choir if we joined together?"  

"God I need to hear your voice.  Tell me clearly if this is from you."  

"What kind of a commitment would this be?"  

"God I've prayed so long for this very thing to happen.  Is this an answer to my prayers?  I don't want to run ahead of You.  Show me clearly if You are in this joking invitation."   

"OK.  I'm going to ask God what He wants me to do.  If He says 'Yes' then I'll join the choir with you.  Are you sure you are serious about this?  And would you walk me home after choir practice each week?"

As I walked home from church, God had a captive audience of one. I want to be sure this is from Him. My decision cannot be an impulsive one.  I have to be clearly led of Him, and then I'm willing to make any sacrifice necessary.  My life must be lived for His honor and glory.

Papa Jim was immediately enthusiastic. He didn't wait for the end of the story before he began pointing out all the ways He could see God leading me to join the choir.  That is an important first step to the answer I seek.  Without his approval, it's not from God.  That much I know for sure.

God has arrested my attention.  I'm praying.  I'm waiting.  I'm listening.  I will hear His voice and follow His clear leading.  

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