Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wow!  It's rather remarkable.  We are linked back up with the outside world!  After nearly a week off line, it's good to be back in touch again.  And to top it off, water came back on a few hours later.  Life just keeps getting better and better!

We've crammed a lot of living into these days of silence.  There is too much to report.  But for starters, we attended a wake keeping for a friend who died.  It's important to visit the body and sit with the family.  In fact, if it is a friend or family member, the culture dictates that you attend either the removal of the body from the morgue, the wake keeping, or the burial, which usually takes place out in the village.  You don't have to attend all three events, but you had better find a way to show up for at least one of them.  And don't even think of the family helping you out in your time of need if you are not there for them when they are in grief.

Doris hit a blip in the road in her family (again).  The mother's estate holds considerable value, so from time to time a relative tries to get greedy.  This time they influenced the youngest brother to try to force a sale of the partially finished house and take his third.  Of course their ultimate motive is to get their hands on that money.  They are not concerned about him and his needs or wants.  But she and her older brother called a family meeting with just the three of them the following day.  They let their brother know in no uncertain terms that they are a unit and he is the youngest.  He does not run the family.  They do.  They must stand united.  In addition, they tried to bring pressure to bear on Doris to get pregnant.  Never mind that she is not engaged, nor does she have a guy in her life anywhere.  They just want a baby.  The family traditions must be preserved.  The next generation is extremely valuable.  If she does not have a baby, who will appease the ancestors?  It's all very demonic and dark.  She put her foot down on this one as well, and the family has left her alone for the moment.  

Life goes on.  Each day has its own adventure.  What will tomorrow bring?


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