Watching people grow in Grace.
Watching them increase their knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
That is our biggest perk.
That is what keeps us going day in and day out.
In-spite of every setback.
Every attack from the enemy of our souls.
Here's three current examples.
Shared to encourage your own heart.
Example number one is a married woman.
Our relationship over these last two years has been turbulent.
Calls herself a Christian.
Doesn't act very Christian most of the time.
Makes life miserable for her husband and others.
Determined to continue the relationship as long as she lets us have any input into her life.
Takes a lot of grace to be her friend.
Pray often.
God is her only hope.
And then last month she began attending a wonderful church.
Goes by herself.
Has been faithful for a whole month now.
Starting to see the Grace of God at work in her life.
She has a new found peace.
Our God is in the life changing business!
Encouraged to keep on in this relationship.
Second example is a married man.
Not very bright.
Severe speach empidement.
Has an entry level job.
Not capable of a more responsible job.
Sweet disposition.
Had recently joined God's family back when we first met.
Spent many hours with him over a long period of time.
Papa Jim in particular has poured his life into this man's life.
Not one to catch on quickly.
Takes lots of patience and perserverance.
Over the span of several years of investment in this relationship,
finally seeing real spiritual growth take place.
No longer new in the faith.
Able to come up with refreshing spiritual insights of his own.
We are blessed beyond mesaure.
Encouraged to keep on in this relationship.
The third and final example is a taxi driver.
Known the Lord for some time.
Got caught up in "Prosperity Gospel".
And other such falseness.
Papa Jim and the rest of us have tried uncessfully to share with him.
Knows what he knows.
Often wonder "Does he really know the Lord?"
And yet there seems to be a real interest in the Ture and Living God.
But now, after all these years, he is changing.
He's still attending the same church.
But his eyes are being opened to the truth.
As he watches people fall away from God when "prosperity" passes them by,
he chooses to run to God.
Spends more time in the Word.
Discovering what GOD says about the issues of life.
Walking away from false doctrine.
Blessing the socks off of us.
Never expected our investment in this life to pay off.
The God of the Impossible can do all things.
Greatly encouraged to keep on in the relationship.