It's an old shed. Tilting ever more. Back wall is rotting from the ground upward. He learned that Papa Jim is getting rid of it. Going to pull the good board off to use on some future project. Toss the rotting boards. Before he got around to it, Joseph, our night guard, had a talk with Papa Jim. Would it be OK if he talked with his wife about the old shed? She might find it useful for her business. Papa Jim said OK. Talked with his wife. Explained it would need some fixing up. Brought her over to look at the old shed. She's excited about the prospect. Rents a location a 15 minute taxi ride from their studio apartment. Installed a table and large umbrella there. Hauls her merchandize back and forth in a taxi each day. We set her up in business two years ago. She's making a go of it, but it's quite a challenge to lug everything back and forth all the time. Joseph will find a carpenter. Repairs will be made on the back wall of the shed. Shelves will be fastened to the walls. Then it will be installed at her job site. Life will become considerably easier for her. Her merchandize will be locked in the shed each night. Her busniss is becoming more sophisticated. She's coming up in the world. Everybody is happy. Especially Papa Jim. He got out of having to pull the old shed apart and haul off the rotting boards! As they say, one man's garbage is another man's treasure. This little story fits with who we are. We're all about helping people in every way possible. For the Glory of God..
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Thought I'd post a recipe for a change. We've developed our own Granola recipe over the years. Made lots of modifications and finally ended up with this:
in large bowl:
4 cups oatmeal
cups powdered whole milk
cups chopped peanuts
teaspoons cinnamon
separately in pan and cook until bubbly:
cups honey
cups oil
replace 1 cup honey and 1 cup oil with 2 cups applesauce
together with dry ingredients.
Put into rectangle baking pan and bake at 300ยบ for 45 min. or until brown.
baking, stir in:
cups coconut
cup raisins
Our Shiloh granola is very popular with Cameroonians and Westerners alike. We make it three or four times a month, depending on how many people eat breakfast at Shiloh. So try our recipe and enjoy a taste of Shiloh at your home.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
It was just a week ago that the neighbors contacted us. Would we like to rent the house they are in when they move on to Kenya ten months from now?
Prayed a whole bunch. Talked it over several times a day. Measured every single room. Walked through the house. Twice. Checked out the large yard that wraps around three sides of the house. Drew a floor plan of the house. Made paper cutouts of our furniture. Placed it in all the rooms. Needed to know if our stuff would fit there.
Found a perfect spot to build a workshop for Jim. Got cost estimates on all the materials needed. Totaled it up and took a long look at it. Prayed some more. Talked it over from every angle. Feeling a great peace about this.
Planning on taking the next step forward. Probably tomorrow. One big, big plus for us is the ground floor apartment, complete with living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Seems to be the ideal solution to my aching joints that sometimes cry out in pain with all the stair climbing every single day. Probably go upstairs and back downstairs around a dozen times per day. Living on the ground floor would dramatically reduce the stair climbing.
Still praying. Still wanting to make sure this move really is God's plan for our lives and our ministry.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Went to town today. Jim too. He rarely goes in, so misses out on all the fun. Traffic is getting more congested by the day. One of the most congested places in all of Yaounde is not far from Shiloh. Eric told us yesterday was the worst day ever. Took him 55 minutes to go from Total MVAN to Tropicana. On a normal day, it shouldn't take over five minutes! Soon walking will be faster! I predict that someday we will be in total gridlock. Something has to change someday, somehow. It just gets worse and worse all the time. Well, if life out here were easy, people would flock here to share the Gospel. So we'll just keep on keeping on, no matter what happens.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
We were at the neighbors on Monday to look at their house and seriously consider if it would be wise for us to move there ten months from ,when they leave Cameroon for good. We were impressed with what we saw. Went back home to talk it over and to pray. What does God want us to do? That is the most important consideration. The house has many advantages for us, but only if this is His will for our lives and our ministry.
Went back today and took mearsurements of each room. Came back home and drew up a floor plan. Cut out little furniture pieces and began placing them in the rooms. Need to know if our furniture will fit in their rooms. Also choose a site for a workshop near the back door. Took measurements of Jim's dream workshop and came home to draw up some plans. Next he will write up a materials list and get cost estimates for everything.
How will be know if this move is of the Lord? That's easy. If He provides the means to build Jim's workshop, then He is in these plans. If not, then not. It will be that clear. We move forward by faith, leaning on the everlasting arms.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
"It's good to see you. How are you?" I asked the young man who comes to Shiloh for a spiritual retreat from time to time.
"Physically," he said "I'm doing just fine. But spiritually, I have a lot of questions for God."
"And God has all the answers you need," I assured him. "Sometimes He says 'Yes!' That's the answer I like best. Sometimes He says 'No". But sometimes He says 'Wait'. And that's the answer that is the hardest of them all."
He's here at Shiloh, fasting and praying, seeking God's face. And we have the honor of praying right along with him. We don't have any idea what his questions are. But we can pray to the One Who knows all things. The God Whom we serve is more than able to lead and guide him to the right answers to all of his questions.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
He's been coming to Shiloh since 14 August 2006. Just a young single man. Youth pastor. We've had the joy of watching him grow up in the Lord. Now he pastors his own church. Married a lovely gal. Has three sons. And now God has led him to start a Christian TV station. Rather ambitious assignment.
He came today with his crew. They wanted to film a segment of Mama Alice talking about our relationship with him. We had a fun time. His cameraman took a lot of shots of Shiloh itself. They filmed guests who are here in the house. Even did a final shot of Papa Jim at the entrance.
And then they asked me if I would be willing to do a monthly program called "Moments With Mama Alice". Just a fifteen minute slot. Asked if I would teach women how to do some of the things I know how to do. Canning tomato paste. Setting a fancy table for company. Napkin folding. How to properly make a bed. Etc. Sure, why not. I'm always available to do anything as long as it is for the glory of God.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
The neighbor just contacted us. Asked if we would be interested in renting their house when they move out in June. It has one more bedroom than ours, the same number of bathrooms, a separate apartment with bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, a guard house, a large grassy area, and tons of paved parking. And it rents for 50.000 F ($100) less per month than ours.
Interesting idea. We could use the extra bedroom, the separate apartment has possibilities, the lower rent would be nice, and grass is always an asset. There are times when we would kill to have more parking space.
We'll go next door and look at every corner of the house and yard very carefully. The we will come back home and pray about it. God would have to make it real, real clear to us that this is of Him. We have learned to listen to His voice and follow Him.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Her marriage didn't turn out. He was cruel to her. Finally she took her baby and ran away. It was hard trying to live on her own. No job. No income. No place to live. But she would not go back to him, no matter what. In her struggles an amazing thing happened. She turned to God and discovered He was the All Sufficient One. The Great I Am. More than able to provide for her every need. At 30 years of age she became a Christian, was baptized, joined a church, and began growing spiritually. And now, more than twelve years later, she still lives day by day, clinging to God for her every need. Life has never been easy, but He is with her each step of the way.
We were introduced through a mutual friend. God has given us a great love for her and a desire to help. Today she came for lunch and we blessed her with a sack of cloths, two large bags of food, the audio French Bible, and a phone. She was in tears. Overwhelmed by her Father's love flowing from us to her.
We exist for people like her. And we receive so much more than we ever give. What a great joy to be instruments in the Master's hands.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
We've known him for twenty some odd years. He was godly back then, and he's even more so today. He was just a young, single guy, fresh out of school and starting out in ministry. We've watched him grow and develop and advance in his chosen ministry. And we've seen God working in and through him every step of the way. Now all these years later, he's a married man with half grown kids. And he's been promoted to the highest position in the international ministry he's been serving with down through the years. This necessitates him moving to Europe to be at the hub. We're going to miss him. He's always been an encouragement. But as he pulls away from Yaounde and his friends and extended family, he's been bringing many people to Shiloh. He wants them to know the best place to stay when they come to the big city. They used to stay with him, but now he's turning them over to us. We are honored.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Mama Helene turned sixty the other day. She told all her adult children ahead of time that she wanted a birthday party. Here in this culture the birthday girl throws her own party. Her birthday happened to land during the time the family would be coming together for a family meeting. That's a time when families get together and discuss issues of concern, iron out problems, and make decisions regarding the future of the family. Family meetings generally take place every year or two. Any adult member of the family has the right to call a meeting. Attendance is mandatory. The meeting lasts from two to four days, depending on how many items need to be discussed. And the discussions can be quite heated. But in the end, problems are solved and harmony is restored in the family. We see the thumb print of God in this aspect of the culture.
Without consulting with her children, Mama Helene invited all her neighbors, her entire church, all her friends, and the entire extended family to her party. That's a lot of people! When her children, their spouses, and all the grandchildren arrived for the family meeting, she announced what she had done. Needless to say, the family exploded! Who was providing the food for all these people? They knew Mama Helene lived hand to mouth. Therefore it would fall on them to come up with the means to cover all expenses for her party. But without any advanced warning, they had not come prepared to contribute. Most of them came with little more than their transportation home money. Francis, our cook, contributed money Papa Jim had sent for this very purpose. He chipped in some of his own money, too. But he was one of the few who could make a contribution. He pulled Mama Helene aside and let her know that he, too was mad at her. It was wrong for her to do something like this. She should have given them a fair chance to prepare for this large event. She graciously took all her children's complaints on the chin, and remained firm in her assertion that God would provide.
Francis and Ingrid went to the market with what money they had and bought a large bag of rice and other food. They even made the money stretch to buy a fancy heart shaped cake for Mama Helene. The day of the birthday, a table was set up in the living room and what food they had was laid out on it. And then they watched God unfold His miracle. Some of the guests came bearing food, which is not commonly done. Before long the food table was groaning from the weight of all the goodies on it. And the people came. The living room filled up and guests spilled outside. The ladies of the church had planned a lovely program. Francis, as the oldest son, was asked to speak on behalf of all the children. One of the grandsons, who is a strong Christian, had been asked to speak on behalf of all the grandchildren. There was special music and many other speakers. Then Mama Helene spoke. She told her testimony, starting with her early life, and going right up to the present. She explained what her life was like before she came to know the Lord as her Savior, and went on to tell how God has completely transformed her life. The party ended with her Pastor sharing from God's Word. Two of Mama Helene's invited guests accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior at the end of her party. What a time of rejoicing they had!
After the party, Mama Helene and her children took food around to each neighbor who had not attended. The ones who stayed home are the ones who hate her, and persecute her for her walk with our Lord. She wanted to do good to her enemies. Mama Helene is an amazing woman.
The following morning when the family gathered to continue their family meeting, Francis felt led to share from the Word of God. During that time two more members of the family prayed to invite Jesus into their lives. Francis thanked his mother for her great faith and told all of them that he was duly rebuked. Mama Helene then explained that she chose not to tell her children of her plans in advance. She knew that some of them would not come if they knew what she was planning. She wanted everyone there to listen to her give glory and honor to God for all the ways He has led in her life. And she wasn't worried about how she would feed her guests. She knew that the God Whom she serves was more than able to provide for her every need. And that is exactly why Mama Helene is my favorite Cameroonian lady. I stand in awe of her and her great faith.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
August 16th forty-seven years ago fell on a Saturday. At six in the evening we stood before 300 of our friends and family members to vow before God and in the sight of men that we would remain faithful to each other to the end of our lives. And thus we entered into the holy estate of matrimony.
August 16th fell on a Tuesday this year. At 2 p.m. we gathered with a group of our closest friends to celebrate God's grace to us in enabling us to remain true to our marriage vows. Marriage isn't always easy, but God is always faithful. A number of years after our wedding, video technology arrived. We put all our wedding photos, and the reel to reel tape of the ceremony, into a video format. And that's how we were able to sit out here in Cameroon and "attend" our wedding with our friends. They were delighted to see a much younger version of ourselves. They exclaimed over the fact that Mama Alice had made her lovely wedding dress, and her going away outfit. They loved the picture of Papa Jim feeding Mama Alice a bite of wedding cake. They couldn't believe how skinny we both were back then.
And then we traipsed back downstairs to enjoy the wedding feast. The first time around we served our guests wedding cake, coffee, tea, punch, nuts, and fancy candies. That's how it was done back in the day. This time around we ate and ate and ate until we thought we would burst. And then we polished off the meal with a fancy cake from a local bakery and some yummy ice cream.
We are committed to continue to live out our marriage in the real world, with all the ups and downs of life. By God's grace alone, we will make it through to the end.
Monday, August 15, 2016
She wanted me to bring her a snake. A snake? Whatever in the world for? Well, to eat, of course. (Silly me, why didn't I think of that?) And what if we don't see any snakes for sale along the road? Would she like a rat? Or a porcupine? She wasn't picky. She would take any kind of bush meat. Except a type of wild cat. OK. No cat. We'll keep out eyes open for a snake though. (The things people ask us to do!)
So on the way back from the village, about 15 miles before we arrived back in Yaounde, we found her meat. No snake. Sorry. But it was a type of antelope. The hunter was just standing along the highway, holding it up high by it's front legs. Head flopped over to the side. We quickly pulled over to the side of the road, backed the car up, and started bargaining. Got him down to 8.000 F.
Was she ever thrilled! When she got home from work that day, she quickly contacted her two brothers, her neighbors, and her friends from church. And then she set about skinning, gutting, and cooking her wonderful bush meat. What a feast they had.
Us? We were just grateful to not be on her invitation list. "Thanks for not thinking of us, Doris. We love you.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
She had her first child through incest. And then a young man saw her and liked what he saw. She went to live in his village. With his parents, actually. They were together for three years and she had two more children. And then her father complained. He said the guy had had his daughter long enough. It was time to pay the bride price. She must come back home and bring her three babies with her until things could be arranged. At first the young man said he would come and marry her in October. Between now and then he would meet with her father and discuss the bride price. She was so thrilled. To think there was someone somewhere in this world who loved her enough to actually pay the bride price and marry her! But three months have gone by and she has finally woken up to the fact that the fairy tale is over. He's never come to see her father. He never contacts her. She says he's forgotten all about his children. And she is devastated. Hers is an all too common story. We never wonder why we are here. People need the Lord.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Just back from the village. It's mushroom season in Eyene. Probably in other parts of Cameroon, too. Our Manguisa friends fixed a wonderful meal for us that featured a yummy mushroom sauce. We were inspired to buy mushrooms. And buy we did! We stopped at every little roadside stand all the way home and bought everything everyone had for sale. You can't believe the mountain of mushrooms we are processing now. If this works out, we'll buy even more next year.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
A friend asked us if we could find an audio French Old Testament for her. Her vision is fading. She can no longer see to read. She has an audio French New Testament which she uses all the time. Those are easy to come by. But she really misses the Old Testament. We promised her we would see what we could do.
That was a month ago. You cannot believe all we have gone through to try to find the O.T. for her. We've contacted every group, organization, and individual we could think of who might be able to direct us to the right party. We've run down every lead. They've all come to a dead end. Finally we talked with a lady who said she knows a man who does have a copy of the French O.T. in audio format. He comes by her office on infrequent occasions. She promised to ask him next time he showed up.
In the meantime, we talked with one more person who suggested one more possibility. We spent half a day tracking that lead down, only to come to yet another dead end.
Time was running out. We will be seeing our friend on Friday and really, really wanted to be able to grant her request. Finally Guy suggested we phone the lady who knows the man who has a copy of the audio version we want, on the long shot that she might have learned something. And so we did. And that's when the miracle happened. The man she knew was in her office at that precise moment. If we could come right over, he would be able to help us out. Guy practically ran all the way to the office. The man very kindly downloaded the French O.T. for us and didn't charge a thing. We couldn't believe it! After all we have been through, we finally have just what we need, and in the nick of time, too. God is so amazing!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
We've known him for some years, but it was only today that we discovered he has a twin sister. In fact, his parents have four sets of twins! Can you imagine how much work that must have been? And now that all these twins are growing up, getting married, and starting their families, already there is one set of twin grandchildren.
We attended his wedding nearly a year ago. His wife, being a good woman, got pregnant right away. And now she's a couple of weeks from delivery. Everybody is predicting she is carrying twins. Our friend isn't sure he's ready for one baby, let alone two! The life of a carefree bachelor is but a dim memory.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Been struggling to figure out how to register to vote on line. Living overseas we have to register each and every time in order to be able to vote by absentee ballet in any U.S. election. It didn't used to be so complex. Today finally nailed Jim down and had him help me figure it out. After investing some frustrating time together on the project, concluded we needed help. Contacted someone who hopefully can clear things up for us. As my favorite husband said, it is so complicated that a lady who graduated Cum Laude from the University of Arizona cannot figure it out! We just want to do our civic duty. That's all. It shouldn't be this difficult.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
The sermon had ended. The last song had been sung. The last prayer prayed. I found myself caught up in the flow of people leaving the church. And there he was. Standing at the door. Greeting people as they filed out. Then it was my turn. Instead of shaking my hand, his arms opened wide and he gave me a great big bear hug. Not very Cameroonian. They're big on shaking hands. Hugs are reserved for rare moments among dear friends. This was one of those moments.
Former associate pastor. Pastors his own church clear across town now days. Invited back to fill the pulpit for our pastor. What a delight to be together again. We've done lots of things together over these years. Been out to villages to share the gospel. Prayed together many, many times. Had endless planning sessions. Ate meals together. Spent a week together in his father's village.
Wait 'till Jim hears what he missed out on by staying home and guarding Shiloh. But someone has to make that sacrifice. It's just not safe to leave Shiloh unguarded.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Place one eight foot ladder in a bedroom with a twelve foot high ceiling. Send Joseph, night guard doubling as an electrician, up the ladder. Add Papa Jim to supervise the operation. Throw in a new four foot fluorescent light fixture. Add in generous helpings of technical French terms. Blend together until well mixed...and out comes a well lit room. Repeat as often as necessary in every room all over Shiloh.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Word reached us today that our pastor was badly beaten up in the village yesterday. When he arrived to assist in the preparations for grandfather's funeral this coming Saturday, he quickly learned that some of his cousins have it in for him. Yesterday morning two of the cousins began attacking our pastor and the village pastor. Our pastor was severely beaten on the face, to the point that he cannot see in one eye. While the two pastors were being driven to the closest town to a medical clinic, a third cousin arrived in the village. He was instantly upset with the two who had done the beating. He was angry that they only injured our pastor, and didn't kill him. When word reached our pastor's brothers, who live here in Yaounde, they immediately took off for the village. They contacted the police who came and arrested the offending cousins and all other relatives who were egging them on. When the brothers arrived in the village, they came out of the car fighting mad and ready to do some real damage to their cousins.
The base of the problem is spiritual in nature. The cousins are very angry that our pastor is a born again Christian. They are furious that he will not participate in the traditional religious practices, which are very demonic. And so, in their anger, the only solution is to kill our pastor.
Wish I could report that this is the first time in twenty five years that we have ever heard of something like this happening. Unfortunately it is an all too common practice. We never have to wonder why we are here in Cameroon. It is in our face all the time. People desperately need the Lord. He is their only hope.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Outdoor nurseries are sprinkled all over Yaounde, the capitol city of Cameroon. They are always located within a short distance of a swamp, which provides a free source of water for their plants. And every last nursery is right next to a major street or highway. To visit a nursery is to take your life in your hands.
Today we did just that. Our driver parked on one side of the busy highway while Guy and I darted between cars to get to the other side of the road. We stood inches away from traffic that was whizzing buy. Each plant we choose was set right next to the black top. I tried not to think of how easy it would be to die in the situation I found myself in. I concentrated instead in choosing between white, yellow, or pink flowers. Or maybe we should select a gorgeous purple orchid. We were there to pick out little plants that will grow into a new hedge. Last week we removed our old, scraggly, worn-out hedge. Why not buy a variety of plants for our pots while we were at it? The prices are so good. Most plants range from 500 F to 1,000 F ($1 - $2). You really have to wonder how the gardeners manage to make a living.
Back at Shiloh Guy spends the remainder of the day preparing the ground and planting our new hedge. That hopeful row of new plants holds such promise for tomorrow. We are already exclaiming over how lovely it will be. Things grow so fast here in the tropics. It won't take long.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
ball of energy
Blessed Shiloh for seven days
and now he's
abandoning us
early tomorrow morning
Quietness will descend on Shiloh
Toys put away
Orderly house
Simeon shaped void
will be felt
Who will make us laugh
all day long?
Who will cry out "Good morning!"
all day long?
Who will say "Let me!"
every waking moment?
Simeon has stolen our hearts
and now he will be gone.
Life will go back to a normal
that won't seem normal
any more
Monday, August 1, 2016
My day started in our pastor's office. Jim sent me to give him a gift. His 102 year old grandfather recently died. The funeral will be on Saturday in the village. Our small contribution to the heavy expenses he will incur brought tears to his eyes. He was deeply touched that we would stand with him at a time like this.
And then he told Grandfather's story. Grandfather's young parents were married a little over a year when their first baby arrived. That joyful beginning ended in tragedy a handful of months later, with Grandfather's father died. His young mother was left all alone with her little baby. Grandfather's Uncle, the brother of his father, was the village Chief. The Chief announced that he was taking his late brother's wife into his compound. He would look after her and his brother's son. In fact, he declared that this baby would be his grandchild. And so Grandfather became the firstborn among the Chief's many grandchildren. What was to have been an honored position did not turn out well. All the Chief's wives were jealous of this "grandson" who was not a real grandchild. They were jealous of the young mother who didn't really have a position in the Chief's household. They never let her forget that.
While life was hard for Grandfather and his mother, it was at the same time, a privileged life. To grow up in the Chief's compound was a very special thing. The years went by and Grandfather eventually grew up, married, and had a family of his own. He was a kind and gentle man. He was always reaching out to others, helping them in many ways.
When Grandfather was in his 80's he heard the Gospel for the first time. It didn't take long before Grandfather gave his heart and his life to the Lord. The entire village was amazed. He was persecuted by many, but eventually everyone came to realize that Grandfather was a changed man. He had found something that was real. For the last twenty years of his long life, Grandfather was a strong witness for our Lord. Numerous others, both in his large family, and in the village at large, have come to know the Lord through Grandfather's life and testimony.
Grandfather is in Heaven today. We look forward to the day when we will meet him in Glory.
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