It was 8 a.m. We stood outside Shiloh and took pictures of each other, formed a circle, held hands and prayed for safety on their long trip back home, said our final good-byes, and they were off. Our stranded guests were finally able to find a way back home to the U.S. and to Canada. The extra days we had together were a real blessing for all of us. Truly, God does all things well. We were once again reminded of that.
Turning away from the gate we hurried back inside and shifted into high gear. Rooms had to be cleaned. More guests were on their way. Not a half hour after the downstairs bedroom was back in order, another missionary family arrived. Having taken a long overnight train ride down from the North, they were exhausted. All of them, even the little children, gratefully fell into bed and took long naps. After catching up on their sleep, the kids were ready to play. The four year old remembered that the American grandpa at Shiloh knows how to make paper airplanes. What a treat to have little substitute grandchildren here at Shiloh. Tomorrow this dear family will take the bus down to Daoula, pick up their luggage, and attempt to fly back to their home in Switzerland via Brussels Air. Will Brussels Air be back in service at that time? They are still trying to find out. For the last four days they were cut off from the outside world. God is still in control. They are resting in Him.
It was 8 p.m. After a long and eventful day we climbed the stairs to go to our room (hopefully) for the night. Checking emails for the first time today we discover a lovely note from one of our guests. He had written hours earlier while sitting at his departure gate at the airport, with an hour to spare before take off time. So far, so good. The only snag was that security didn't let him keep his wonderful (expensive) protein bars he had brought from the U.S. We assume all is well for the Canadian family and the American man with his portable recording studio. We continue to pray for them. We are very well acquainted with the long trip they are in the midst of. It spans two days and there is nothing glamorous about it!